Presentations for CU Audiences

Q: What's the most pressing issue facing credit unions today?
A: Converting MEMBERS into long-term, full-service USERS!

Even CUNA's national research confirms that 40%-to-60% of members throughout the U.S. do most of their banking– not at their credit unions– but at other banking sources. And today, consumer banking is an oversupplied market! No longer is it difficult for people to find low-cost, easy access to credit; now it's the opposite problem– too many sources! Credit, if anything, is too available. In the face of this, the challenge for every credit union is twofold:

  1. Confirm your particular difference as a banking source.

  2. Win more of your members over to deeper long-term, full-service banking relationships.

How? More emphasis on marketing, of course, but not the same old stuff, not the same old way and certainly not as an add-on effort. Rather, we're talking about everything a credit union does to get more of its members doing their MAIN banking with it! Today the market calls the shots. So market-related considerations must dictate the actions at every level– every policy, every strategy, every move. That’s what we talk about!

We've done one, two and three-day workshops for CUNA, CUES, regional associations and some of the leading credit union vendors. We've presented at national conferences and for almost every League in the U.S. (and several in Canada!). These MARKET-BASED programs have proven appeal for credit union audiences. Each draws from actual trends, facts and dynamics of today's ferociously-competitive retail banking reality. Each presents state-of-the-art solutions in practical, “do-able” terms!

If your objective is to help your credit union(s) improve its/their competitive circumstance and achieve greater levels of success in today's real-world banking arena, let's set a workshop or presentation date!

Click on any of these for a summary of the presentation program:

Or…got something else in mind? Let’s talk. We can tailor one-to-two-hour presentations or half-day or full-day workshops for credit union marketing professionals… management teams… directors and volunteers… and employees… around almost any market-based theme or subject.


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